When faced with the loss of a single tooth or multiple consecutive teeth, a dental bridge may be a good solution to regain your smile’s full functionality and aesthetics. Dental bridges are fixed dental restorations, meaning they are nonremovable, and work to provide a stable and long-lasting result for your smile. This restoration consists of one or more artificial teeth held in place by two custom-made dental crowns on either side of the prosthetic teeth. These crowns are affixed to the adjacent teeth or dental implants, creating a secure anchor for the artificial tooth or teeth and ensuring it remains firmly in position.

The process of obtaining a dental bridge is typically completed in just two visits to our dental practice. Your bridge is carefully designed to fit your teeth and smile perfectly, providing you with a beautiful and natural-looking final result. Once in place, a well-crafted dental bridge can serve you effectively for many years, restoring not only the appearance but also the function and health of your smile.

Our experienced dentists may recommend a dental bridge to address a variety of concerns, such as:

  • Restoration of Normal Functions: Dental bridges can help you speak, eat and chew without difficulty, enhancing your daily life.
  • Bite Stress Reduction: They alleviate excess stress on your bite, preventing potential issues associated with uneven bite distribution.
  • Facial Shape and Volume Enhancement: Dental bridges can improve the shape and volume of your face, restoring a more youthful appearance.
  • Removal of Removable Dentures: They replace removable partial dentures, offering a more stable and comfortable alternative.
  • Preventing Teeth Misalignment: Bridges also prevent your remaining natural teeth from shifting out of their proper positions.
  • Enhancing Smile Aesthetics: Bridges contribute to the overall enhancement of your smile.

Our dedicated dentists and team will work closely with you to determine if a custom dental bridge is the most suitable option to restore your smile following tooth loss. For further information about dental bridges in Raleigh, North Carolina, and to schedule your consultation with Dr. Candice Arrick, call Smiles At Glenwood today at 919-833-8100.

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier smile? Call or book your appointment online with us today!

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Dr Candice Arrick in Raleigh North Carolina